Maximizing Your Website's Potential
One-Step CDN Integration
No backend or frontend programming necessary. Anyone can add a CDN to their site, making it load fast for customers, improving the SEO score, and taking load off their servers.
Image Compression
Effortlessly compress and optimize images on your website, resulting in faster load times and improved user experience. Upto 90% compression
No-Code Solution
Our service offers a real No-Code solution to site slowness, allowing you to effortlessly enhance your website's performance without any technical expertise.
We Make Websites Faster
One-Step CDN Integration
Image Compression Success Rate
Websites Optimized
Year of Accelerating Websites
ABOUT kompressr
Driving Website Performance to the Max
kompressr is dedicated to revolutionizing website performance by providing a hassle-free solution for CDN integration and image compression. Our goal is to empower website owners to enhance their user experience and improve their online presence without the need for complex technical implementations. We're here to make your website load faster and perform better.